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By Publisher
| Last Updated March 10, 2022
Completing a Canadian immigration consultant course of study can help you qualify for an enriching and distinctive career.
Have you pictured what it might be like to help people from around the world enter Canada legally to begin new lives, do business, or get an education? Many personal and professional rewards can come with being a registered immigration consultant. Salary potential is only one of them. After all, this field involves assisting people with some of the most life-changing tasks that they'll ever carry out. What could be more fulfilling?
This nation is mostly a land of immigrants. Canada simply wouldn't exist as the country it is without the historical and ongoing influx of new residents from almost every corner of the globe. Immigrants continue to be vital contributors to Canada's prosperity and cultural development. In fact, the numbers prove just how much diverse potential the country gains through immigration. For example, according to the 2016 Census from Statistics Canada:
Hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals immigrate to Canada every year in search of better lives and opportunities. But the actual immigration process can be lengthy and complex. And the federal government frequently amends or updates the country's immigration laws, which can add an additional layer of complexity to the process.
That's why a lot of would-be immigrants and temporary visitors to Canada choose to hire immigration consultants. By having knowledgeable professionals assist them with their applications and represent them throughout the process, they can often avoid costly mistakes and increase their chances of success.
As a result, the field of immigration consulting continues to provide a lot of value to both immigrants and the professionals who represent them. Here are a few of the most encouraging facts about becoming a Canadian immigration consultant:
The median immigration consultant salary in Canada is about $75,000. But some people in this field earn more.
Most registered immigration consultants are self-employed and operate their own businesses, so their incomes are generally only limited by how many clients they can take on and how much they can charge for their services based on their level of experience.
Of course, immigration consultant jobs can also be found with employers such as law firms, social assistance organizations, government agencies, and private companies with large human resources departments.
After completing your short on-campus or online training, you'll be a major step closer to qualifying for the Full Skills Exam (FSE), which is administered through the Immigration Consultant of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC). To legally provide Canadian immigration consulting services for a fee, you need to be registered with the ICCRC or be a legal professional in good standing with a provincial or territorial law society.
But once you've completed your program, you may not have to wait very long to take the FSE since the exam is offered multiple times throughout the year. Plus, the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants gives applicants up to four attempts to pass the exam. By passing the exam and meeting the ICCRC's other requirements, you can become a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and earn the respect and opportunities that come with that title.
Immigration consultants fill a vital role. That becomes vividly apparent when they help their clients land in Canada after successfully completing application processes that are often lengthy and emotionally challenging for them. After all, as an immigration consultant, you will likely care a lot about your clients (and often their families), especially after getting to know their life stories in detail. And helping their dreams come true can give you a big lift of inspiration and satisfaction. So, all your tasks, which might include the following examples, could be imbued with a lot of meaning: