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By Publisher
| Last Updated May 29, 2024
Strengthen your ability to establish a career filled with action and purpose.
Police foundations and law enforcement training can teach you how to serve Canadian communities by making them safer places to live and work. And it can open the door to a broad field that encompasses many appealing occupational options.
Consider what you're likely to learn about:
Those are just a few examples of the many engaging subjects that law enforcement training often includes.
Even fascinating areas like sociology, criminology, and forensics are frequently part of programs related to police sciences. That's what makes this field of study so consistently captivating. You can go from practicing surveillance and investigation procedures to discovering what makes people behave in ways that are harmful to themselves or others.
Think of the potential outcome: You can soon have fundamental skills are needed throughout the country to help enforce the law and prevent crime. With your new abilities, you could pursue career paths as varied as they are interesting.
Take a simple action right now and learn more about the specialized training you can get at the schools listed below!
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Most of us recognize how important the preservation of order is in our society. It's what allows us to carry out our lives confidently. We depend on the honourable work performed by professionals who've dedicated their careers to protecting us and upholding Canada's values.
To be sure, their jobs can be full of excitement. But we sometimes forget that many of them have chosen this line of work because it often comes with additional advantages. Here are three examples of what training in this field can lead to:
Few vocational sectors are as diverse as this one. Getting trained in the fundamentals of law enforcement enables you to explore more potential employment options than you might imagine. It provides a good introduction or starting point for several career areas such as:
In many cases, a year or less is all that's required to learn many valuable fundamentals. Of course, the specific career you decide on—and the employer you end up working for—has a lot to do with the training requirements you'll need to fulfill. Even so, the amount of time spent learning the job is usually relatively short compared to some other occupations with similar ranges of pay.
For example, take a look at what you can make in a couple of the most common careers within the field. Following are the median hourly wages in Canada.
Additionally, Canada Border services trainees earn $69,426 to $77,302 per year.
You should know that some provinces (such as Ontario) require professionals like security guards and private investigators to obtain a special license. But you can often meet the necessary education requirements by completing a program like the ones on this page.
A Note About Becoming a Police Officer
Many of Canada's law enforcement services (including the RCMP) have their own selection criteria and special training in police foundations. Ontario, for instance, has the Constable Selection System, which is used by most of its police departments. But, throughout Canada, the process for recruits is usually straightforward and includes steps such as:
Before applying to a police service, many people find it helpful to take courses in criminal justice or related programs. It gives them a valuable boost of confidence and a good idea of what to expect in their training. Plus, it can help them stand out throughout the selection process.
Law enforcement is a booming field in Canada. In 2018 it was reported that the nation employs over 77,000 police officers.
But policing isn't the only area that's thriving. The use of security guards has also been rising throughout the country—to the point where their numbers are at least double those of police officers.
Plus, thousands of civilian professionals work alongside police. Bylaw enforcement officers, dispatchers, and others number more than 28,300. And the field has also seen increased employment of people who specialize in many other areas like forensics and information technology.